Nevval Sevindi - Bilgiler
08/12/2009 20:18
Nevval Sevindi

1978/79 Graduates in Anthropology, Ankara University

1977/80 Resident of Tehran, Iran

1982/83 Master work in Classic Archeology and Ancient Greek

1983/87 Ministry of Construction and Settlement, Research Division, Ministerial Consultant

1987 Marketing Director of a private sector computer company

1987/89 World Bank Project

Çukurova Regional Development Project

Worked for the Coopers and Lybrand Company

1989/93 Free lance writer

75 essays, articles, travel features and critiwues of novels

1990 Cumhuriyet Newspaper feature film script award

1991 Script writing for multi-vision programs

First book is published

Fatal Effects of Love” reflects feminine rights from a different point of views.

1993 Member of FIJET International Travel Writers Union

1993 Active in the establishment of the PIMAPEN CULTURE HOUSE in İstanbul,

as a director Creative planning More than 40 discussion panels

And exhibitions, events

Desing and editing of numerous books

Ottoman Tombstones

Caricature book Windows, Tan Oral

Album on old Turkish Cities

Environmental activities and articles

Realization of a project to plant 15.000 trees on the Çamlıca hills in İstanbul

Traditional environmental picnic

Entered and received awards for various city and cultural posters in international competitions

1994 Second edition of Fatal Effects of Love

Second book; Two Revolutions Two Country/Turkey Iran

Third book; Urban and Culture

Urban life essays. Planning and anthropology in urbanism.

Design, organisation and on-screen presentation of a tolk show for Channel 2 of Turkish State TV

Annual activities and conferences of the

Women’s Works Library and the Information Center

Worked YÜZYIL News Paper as a writer

1995 Founder and second President of the Turkish-Chinese Art and Friendship Society

Conferences in various places in Turkey

About women rights, urbanism, culture and Middle East Member of council of managers in the W. W. L. And the Information Center

Anthropological Consultant for Caravan Silk Road project that is supported by Kale Seramik

1996 Cable TV station Channel E

Weekly program, under the name of Open Society This is discussion program about politic, social events A lot of conferences as a speaker

Worked as an Anthropologiest Researcer in Sexuality in Turkey project, which is conducted by Istanbul Mülkiyeliler Foundation. Published as a series in Yeni Yüzyıl Newspaper

Channel E TV programmes continue

1997 She is a founder member of supporting and training of women candidates Society

Silk Road documentary film producter and director

Researches on Alaouite, Cerrahi Sufis

Refah Party Womens and Turkish Culture Iran

She went to Tehran as a reporter for elections and made remarkable written andf oral feature reports.

Traveled all over the world and wrote articles for magazines from China to New Zealand.

Founder member of AnaKültür Cooperative of Art and Training for women (Mother Culture)

Published two new books; The Minutes with Fethullah Gülen in New York

Bestseller of 1997 (50.000 printed)

A Path to Love and Culture

Worked as a lecturer on anthropology and urban planning, Marmara University

1998 First Anchor woman at Samanyolu TV

For the first time in Türkiye, won Tolarance award of Journalits and Authers Foundation

New book is published under the name of Love knocks the door always Discussion about 21th century relationship between woman and man.

Program: On Samanyolu Tv Women in the mirror

Argumentary TV Programme Açı

Several Publications in Pimapen Kültürevi

Tılsımdan Takıya English Turkish large size Jewelery book

1999 Two programs on STV;

1) Women in the mirror (stories of women entrepreneurs)

2) Agenda of Democracy (Argumentary TV Programme)

Surveys in South Anatolia

The membership of the Travellers Club of Turkey and honour award

Articles in the Imposible witout women book

2000 Member of council of managers in the Women’s Work Library and Information Centre

New magazine under the name of Dialog Avrasia worked as an editor and writer

New book, Women discovered money about entrepreneur women in Turkey

Advisor for 2010 Master Plan of GAP as a social scientiest

2001 Won the prize on TV and Culture branch for Göç Kuşakları (İmigration Generations) This documentary is about Turkish imigraters in Europe during 40 years. This programme was prepared by traveling 27.000 kilometers, broadcasted in Turkey, Europe and North America.

Award of 100 Successful Women by Bayrampaşa Municipality

Elected as President of Anakültür Assosiation which works in GAP

International Meetings

Tel Aviv Women based development project in GAP

Frankfurt Turkey in 21st Century


İki Ülke, İki Devrim

Türkiye, İran

Nevval Çizgen

Say Yayınları

"İran Devrimi gündelik haber değerinden daha fazla bir anlam taşımaktadır. Çünkü zamanı donduran ve önemli kılan "o günün" bakış açısıdır. Amacım, yaşadığım çok ilginç üç dönemi anlatmak: Şah, devrim ve devrim sonrası bir yıl. Bu son dönem tüm Humeyni yönetiminden farklı bir sosyal görüntü sunmaktadır. İran Devrimi, bu yüzyılda Rus ve Çin devriminden sonra bir toplum tasarımı olarak ortaya çıkan son devrimdir. İran'ı ve İran'da olanları anlamak Türkiye için bir zorunluluktur. Türkiye aşiret gücüne ulaşmak yerine demokrasiye, açgözlülüğün politikası yerine politikalar üreten kurumlara ulaşmayı hedeflerse Ortadoğu'daki ve dünyadaki yerini belirleyebilecek ve bunu bir güce dönüştürebilecek. Kendi kültürümüzü tanımak ve "öteki" kültürleri anlamaya, bilmeye çalışmak bunun temelidir.

Önceki Konu:
Sevim Belli
Sonraki Konu:
Celaleddin Orhan

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